The role of technological vigilance in improving organizational performance through the competitive strategic intermediate: An Empirical study at the International Academy School in Basra
The study aims to identify the role of technological vigilance in improving organizational performance in the International Academy School in Basra province from a competitive strategic perspective and to achieve this goal was used the descriptive analytical curriculum, where the researcher used the questionnaire to collect preliminary information and the study community is from a sample of meaning represented by all the owners of administrative positions in the International Academy School in Basra province, numbering (10) director and deputy director of Five departments in the school and the analysis was conducted statistics on the sample answers about the hypothesis of the study about the relationship and the link between technological vigilance and improved organizational performance through competitive vigilance, using spss.22 program, the study concluded several results that the International Academy School is interested in technological vigilance by collecting information about its competitive environment and its competitors from the schools of the province As well as reducing the cost and excellence in the quality of the service provided, and achieved acceptable performance during its five-year working period, and seeks to survive and grow under intense competition, the study recommends the need to introduce technological vigilance in the strategic planning of the International Academic School, and to protect the academic programs that distinguish the Academy from others, in addition to providing technological training to all staff to keep up with future developments to be always ready for them, with constantly updated databases to contribute to supporting decisions within the Academy. quickly to meet environmental challenges
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