
  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 16 No. 55 (2024)

    This is the fourth issue in the Fourth quarter of 2024. Issue number is 55 and the volume is 16. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (أ .د جاسم حسين سلطان هنيدي , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 16 No. 52 (2024)

    This is the A special issue on the proceedings of the Conference on Technology Transfer to Iraq (Capabilities, Mechanisms, and Visions)   of 2024. Issue number is 52 and the volume is 16. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 16 No. 53 (2024)

    This is the A special issue of the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of the Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Wasit of 2024. Issue number is 53 and the volume is 16. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 16 No. 54 (2024)

    This is the Third issue in the Third quarter of 2024. Issue number is 54 and the volume is 16. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (أ .م. د اسعد عباس , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 16 No. 51 (2024)

    This is the Second issue in the Second quarter of 2024. Issue number is 51 and the volume is 16. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (م. د علي محمد شندي , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 16 No. 50 (2024)

    This is the First issue in the First quarter of 2024. Issue number is 50and the volume is 16. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (م. د علي محمد شندي , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 15 No. 49 (2023)

    This is the Fourth issue in the Fourth quarter of 2023. Issue number is 49 and the volume is 15. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (م. د علي محمد شندي , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS
    Vol. 15 No. 48 (2023)

    This is the Third issue in the Third quarter of 2023. Issue number is 48and the volume is 15. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (م. د علي محمد شندي , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS
    Vol. 15 No. 47 (2023)

    This is the Seconed issue in the Seconed quarter of 2023. Issue number is 47and the volume is 15. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (م. د علي محمد شندي , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 15 No. 46 (2023)

    This is the First issue in the First quarter of 2023. Issue number is 46 and the volume is 15. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (م. د علي محمد شندي , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 14 No. 45 (2022)

    This is the Fourth issue in the Fourth quarter of 2022. Issue number is 45 and the volume is 14. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (أ .م .د . فليح خضير شني , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 14 No. 44 (2022)

    This is the Third issue in the Third quarter of 2022. Issue number is 44 and the volume is 14. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

    language evaluation    (أ .م .د . عيسى جعفر الحركاني , م . علاء كاظم كمر )

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 14 No. 43 (2022)

    This is the second issue in the Second quarter of 2022. Issue number is 43 and the volume is 14. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 13 No. 42 (2021)

    This is the fourth issue in the fourth quarter of 2021. Issue number is 42 and the volume is 13. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 13 No. 41 (2021)

    This is the third issue in the third quarter of 2021. Issue number is 41 and the volume is 13. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 13 No. 40 (2021)

    This is the second issue in the second quarter of 2021. Issue number is 40 and the volume is 13. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, and Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

  • This is the cover of the journal

    Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 13 No. 39 (2021)

    This is the first issue in the first quarter of 2021. Issue number is 39 and the volume is 13. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, and Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 12 No. 38 (2020)

    This is the last issue in the fourth quarter of 2020. This is issue number 38 in volume 12. In this issue, you will find different topics in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Statistics, and Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 12 No. 37 (2020)

    This is the third issue in the third quarter of 2020. This is issue number 37 in volume 12. In this issue, you would find different types of topics in Economics, Business Management, Accounting, Statistics, and Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 12 No. 36 (2020)

    This is the second issue in the first quarter of 2020. We will start with issue number 36 and volume 12. In this issue, you would find different types of topics in Economics, Business Management, Accounting, Statistics, and Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 12 No. 35 (2020)

    This is the first issue in the first quarter in 2020. We will start from issue number 35 and volume 12. In this issue you would find different types of topics on Economics, Business management, Accounting, Statistics, and Banking and Financial Sciences. Please email us if you have any questions or comments.

  • Al Kut Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KJEAS)
    Vol. 11 No. 34 (2019)

    This is the last issue in 2019. In 2020, we will start from issue number 34 and volume 11. In this issue, you would find different types of topics in Economics, Business Management, Accounting, Statistics, and Banking, and Financial Sciences. Please email us if you have any questions or comments.

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